100 BPM : Simplified Chest Compression Tool for Anyone to Perform CPR at The Right Frequency and Pressure
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4:06 PG
In case of emergency when someone needs CPR, 100 BPM Simplified Chest Compression can be very handy as they are not many people know how to give a proper one. It helps increasing the success rate of administering CPR to an adult after cardiac arrest, it gives feedback to the rescuer through sound and light to ensure the CPR is done properly. Most often than not, people scare to perform CPR because they are afraid of causing more harm to the patient, but 100 BPM guides you by simplified resuscitation procedure involving only chest compression, there’s no mouth breaths action.
Designers : Natalie Vanns, Shivanjali Tomar, Doris Feurstein and Maxime Dubreucq

Using 100 BPM Simplified Chest Compression, you’ll get to perform CPR at the right frequency and the right pressure, both procedures are vital for the success of the CPR. This unit has been designed to be lightweight, portable and compact. Its main electric components are housed inside silicone coated pad. This pad sits on a larger fabric base interwoven with LEDs. You can easily and quickly place this unit on the patient’s chest, flexible material ensures it can be used on a variety adult chest sizes.
In order to reduce stress of the rescuer, 100 BPM Simplified Chest Compression provides feedback in instructional voice commands. It guides you to perform CPR with correct technique, it also updates you with the amount of time that has passed while giving motivational messages to keep going and save the patient’s life.

Designers : Natalie Vanns, Shivanjali Tomar, Doris Feurstein and Maxime Dubreucq
Using 100 BPM Simplified Chest Compression, you’ll get to perform CPR at the right frequency and the right pressure, both procedures are vital for the success of the CPR. This unit has been designed to be lightweight, portable and compact. Its main electric components are housed inside silicone coated pad. This pad sits on a larger fabric base interwoven with LEDs. You can easily and quickly place this unit on the patient’s chest, flexible material ensures it can be used on a variety adult chest sizes.
In order to reduce stress of the rescuer, 100 BPM Simplified Chest Compression provides feedback in instructional voice commands. It guides you to perform CPR with correct technique, it also updates you with the amount of time that has passed while giving motivational messages to keep going and save the patient’s life.
Catat Ulasan